Can a Baby Survive in a Tubal Pregnancy

The mother who risked everything to have her ectopic baby

It is a conclusion no expectant mother should e'er have to make.

Simply when Paula Cawte was told that her unborn baby was developing outside her womb doctors gave her two eye-breaking options.

She could either terminate the pregnancy, or risk her own life to take a baby that would probably be severely disabled - because its birth would have to be then premature - or stillborn.

Born survivor: Eva with her proud parents, Paula and Paul

Born survivor: Eva with her proud parents, Paula and Paul

Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against her, she risked her life and now her daughter Eva, healthy and thriving, is almost to celebrate her first birthday.

Her amazing story is even more inspiring considering there are merely three recorded cases of babies surviving this rare type of pregnancy in the Great britain in the last twenty years. The chances of both mother and baby surviving were 3 million to one.

Nevertheless, Miss Cawte, 38, and fiancé Paul Lounds, 43, from Gloucester, refused to give upwardly on their unborn child and were rewarded when she was built-in at 30 weeks, weighing 3lb 1oz.

'We had been trying for over a year to have a baby and there was no way I could terminate when I knew she was healthy,' said Miss Cawte. 'We knew it was dangerous. The doctors said I could drain to death if she ruptured an organ or an avenue.

Against the odds: Although she was born ten weeks premature, Eva is now thriving

Confronting the odds: Although she was born ten weeks premature, Eva is now thriving

'But Paul and I agreed that as long as I was in no immediate danger, nosotros proceed for as long as possible to requite the baby a fighting take chances.

'At present nosotros tin can't believe we accept such a cute, salubrious and happy little girl – it's a phenomenon.'

The story of picayune Eva'due south fight for survival is remarkable. Miss Cawte, a erstwhile recruitment consultant and Mr Lounds, a database administrator, discovered they were going to have a baby in January concluding year. Everything appeared normal until the 20-week browse that May when doctors discovered the ectopic pregnancy.


In normal pregnancies, a fertilised egg implants itself in the lining of the womb where it grows and develops.

Simply in an ectopic pregnancy, the egg implants itself in the fallopian tube – which leads from the ovary to the womb. In rarer cases it implants itself in the abdominal cavity or an ovary.

Effectually i in sixty to one in 80 pregnancies are ectopic – and in the vast majority the baby cannot be saved. Oft a woman will only realise the pregnancy is ectopic at the get-go scan between 6 and ten weeks.

Normally it is terminated immediately considering of the risks to the mother.
If left, the growing foetus may rupture the fallopian tube or other organs which can cause severe internal bleeding. Around 5 women a year dice from an ectopic pregnancy in the UK.

They suggested a termination but, considering the example was so unusual, they told the couple they would be immune to terminate, afterward the 24-calendar week legal limit if they needed more time to think.

'Nosotros both outburst into tears,' said Mr Lounds. 'We wanted lots of facts just, because the case was then rare, the doctors didn't have them. 'Paula was kept in hospital after her browse. It was an incredibly broken-hearted time and she was in intense pain at times.'

Initially, surgeons wanted to deliver at 28 weeks but extended it to 32 weeks then the baby'due south lungs could develop. Merely when doctors discovered there was not enough claret in stock – they needed half-dozen pints on standby for Miss Cawte – she was transferred to the John Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford. Surgeons there decided to deliver at 30 weeks.

She went into surgery at 11.45am on July 19 last year. Eva was born 45  minutes later on and put in the Special Care Baby unit of measurement.

'The nurse told me I had a daughter and I burst into tears,' said Mr Lounds. 'I went to see her in an incubator and she looked very tiny but was stable.'

Doctors said she had survived considering the membrane of Miss Cawte'south belly had created a sac which contained amniotic fluid to assistance her lungs develop and the placenta was working.

Only while Eva was in the Special Care Infant Unit of measurement, Miss Cawte was in theatre fighting for her life.

'Paula almost bled to decease,' added Mr Lounds. 'She had to take eight pints of blood. I sabbatum side by side to her and told her we had a lovely daughter. She squeezed my hand – she couldn't speak because she had tubes down her throat. Information technology was a very emotional moment.'

Eva was allowed out of hospital after three months and is developing normally. 'She's beautiful, the about stunning looking baby and everything'south on rails,' said Miss Cawte. 'There's nada about her that tells you she was and so premature. She smiles a lot and is very content.'

Dr Lawrence Impey, consultant obstetrician at The John Radcliffe Hospital, said: 'In terms of pregnancy surgery, this is about as risky as it gets. One in every sixty pregnancies is ectopic simply just i per cent of those is intestinal. Less than ten per cent of those is avant-garde similar Paula'due south.'


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